Sakeus was recommended to repeat pre-primary and Grade 1, but his parents refused due to the effect on his self-esteem.
He joined Edublox and started doing well on his tests and assessments (view his report below).
“Sakeus’s reading has improved tremendously, and he can now read more than 50 words per minute without stammering,” wrote Christine, his mom.
Sakeus’s mom tells his story:
Sakeus struggled with concentration and low self-esteem before joining Edublox. Academic life was very difficult for him. When Sakeus was in Grade 0 (pre-primary), the results of his assessment were very poor for motor skills development and cognitive and logical thinking. The school requested that he repeat Grade 0. When we engaged him on the topic of repeating, he didn’t take it very well. It crushed him so severely that he cried for days. We then approached the school to allow him to proceed to Grade 1. It was, however, a very hard decision to make as parents.
After he proceeded to Grade 1, the struggle continued. The teacher would constantly update me on how he was unable to cope with the work pressure. He would always cry and wasn’t willing to do the work, especially if he didn’t understand the work. He struggled with basic things such as writing numbers and words, as well as reading and comprehension. I would sit and go through the work with him, but he would get frustrated and cry a lot. We then tried to get him a private tutor and more materials to help him through his schoolwork, but none of this helped. The difficulties persisted. Just like in Grade 0, we were met with more not-so-pleasing news from the school recommending that he repeat as he wasn’t ready to proceed to Grade 2. We still couldn’t agree that he should not proceed to Grade 2, so we requested the school to allow him to proceed to Grade 2, another tough decision we had made as parents. We promised the school that we would get him the necessary help, but honestly, we had no precise plan in place.
Sakeus and his elder siblings were enrolled in swimming classes. As I drove them to classes every Tuesday and Thursday, we drove past Edublox. I would read the name Edublox and that they help with reading and mental math and help to boost concentration. I observed this for months but never thought that this was meant for Sakeus. During our meeting with the principal to discuss Sakeus’s future, I thought of Edublox and assured the principal that I would sign him up with Edublox if they allowed him to proceed to Grade 2.
After the meeting, I went straight to Edublox and told them about Sakeus’s situation. Ms. Elize was very friendly and welcoming. I told her about Sakeus’s situation, and she recommended an evaluation for him. The report on the evaluation came back, and the results were really the same as the evaluation done on him in Grade 0.
Even though I initially agreed to sign him up with Edublox after the evaluation report, I became hesitant to sign him up as the days passed. Eventually, I signed him up to start the following year, when he would be in Grade 2.
He started with the program, but I was still unsure whether it would really help him or if we would exhaust and frustrate him. One faithful day, I received a call from his teacher telling me that Sakeus was struggling to take his math test, and the teacher had to help him throughout the entire time he was taking his test, and that he was very upset and couldn’t stop crying.
His first few weeks into the Edublox program were difficult. He would cry as he did his work or even before he began to do his work. I would get worried and stressed, but Elize assured me that all is going to be just fine and that I must just give him some time and be patient with him. After some time, Sakeus gained confidence. He started enjoying the program and always looked forward to going to his Edublox classes.
At school, he started doing well on his tests and assessments. Sakeus’s reading has improved tremendously, and he can now read more than 50 words per minute without stammering. His memory and concentration have also improved, which is evident in his mathematics and general numeracy performance. He can now break down and spell words. Sakeus no longer cries when I assist him with his work at home.
He has matured emotionally and can cope with the pressure that comes with schoolwork. His self-esteem has improved, as he now believes more in himself and is aware of his capability and strength. He is now more intrinsically motivated and sets weekly goals for his academic work. He has complete autonomy over his academics. Sakeus can now socialise with others and engage in talks without getting upset over petty things.
To all parents, if your child is struggling with…
- Dyslexia
- Low self-esteem
- Reading
- Short memory
- Self-doubt
- Concentration
- Emotional maturity
- Socialisation
- Poor academic performance
Edublox could be your answer to all these problems. I have recommended Edublox to several parents, and they all came back to me with positive news of their children’s academic growth and general improvement. I recommend Edublox to any child, any day and at any time.
Thank you, Edublox Otjiwarongo, for everything you have done for our son.
Christine Fotolela
*Sakeus attended Edublox Otjiwarongo