From: Reuben Coopoosamy [mailto: ReubenC@…]
Sent: 17 October 2011 02:49 PM
To: Marj Arslanian
Subject: RE: Hi from Marj
Good day Marj,
Concerning Tristen’s improvements after attending your classes.
Tristen was a below average child. He could not speak fluently, couldn’t read properly and had no self-confidence. Tristen has been with you now going 4 months and I must say that I would never have imagined Tristen reading or speaking so fluently. He also shows a lot of confidence in everything that he does. His progress in school has improved from just passing to now passing with a 50% pass rate.
Thank you for a job well done. I know that by year end Tristen will be a student with a pass rate of 60%.
Thanking you once again.