Concentration, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary Improved Tremendously


The school our son attends brought to our attention that he battled to concentrate in class, and if we did not work on his concentration he would battle later in the year when the work becomes more difficult. It is then that we started doing research to help him with concentration, and also thought that enrolling him at Edublox will give him a better advantage at reading skills.

Joshua’s concentration levels have improved tremendously as well as his reading and spelling skills. We have also observed that his vocabulary has improved considerably and have seen an improvement in his handwriting as well. We also noticed that he is very eager to do his homework and finds it easier, hence the excitement to want to learn more. Edublox has made learning fun and exciting and that has really filtered through to all his school work. We do not have to struggle with him — he does his homework even before we ask him to. It is a pleasure seeing how our child has developed and grown in confidence. He feels like he can take on any task. We are also amazed at the words he uses. As mentioned already, it is truly remarkable to see the difference in his vocabulary. At school on a Friday is “spelling test” and Joshua brings his results home every Monday saying, “I only got one wrong or two wrong.” He also brought home a test with the result of 100%. Now this is a child who the teachers were saying is not concentrating and will struggle later in the year!!!!!!!!!

Attached is a copy of is Grade R report before Edublox and a copy of his last Grade 1 report. According to the Grade 1 report Joshua still struggles to recognise consonant diagraphs at the beginning of a word and at the end of the word. He also struggles with reading an unread passage with confidence. But still, a big difference!!!!!

Thank you Edublox, for giving our son a head start in life!!!

Li-Ann Meyer

Two samples of Joshua’s school work:



Li-Ann Meyer Joshua's mother

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