Case Study: Adult Obtains B.Com Degree


Hard work, conscientiousness, and perseverance is not always the recipe for success. Danie van der Merwe had all of these, but this was not enough to help him pass the first year of B.Com. These were his marks (pass = 50 percent or more):

Business Economics 110 40
Business Economics 120 29
Economics 110 25
Financial Accounting 110 70
Financial Accounting 120 52
Informatics 110 44
Informatics 120 41
Commercial Law 110 39
Commercial Law 120 52
Statistics 110 31
Statistics 120 34

After three years at university Danie could not write more than the first year’s subjects of B.Com behind his name. When he did pass a first year’s subject, it was nearly always after a re-examination. Time was running out for Danie, who was put on probation.

During his fourth year at university Danie started with Audiblox. Audiblox helped Danie to overcome his learning disabilities and at the end of 2001 he became the proud owner of a B.Com degree. Danie visited our offices in June 2002 to show us his certificate, which he had received at the graduation ceremony in April 2002. He is now enrolled for B.Com(Hons).

Well done, Danie!!

Susan du Plessis Case study author

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