The Capacity to Help Every One, Not Just the Kids

Australian flagI have been working with youth for over 16 years in both Queensland and Victoria. I have worked in both primary and secondary schools, residentials, suicide intervention units, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, and disability services; also in specialist schools for the intellectually handicapped. I am a 3rd year psychology major and a single mother of 3 grown up sons. I moved to Victoria 3 years ago and found myself working in Secondary College here in Mildura. I found there were an increasing number of students who even at reaching year 9 (15 years of age), still could not read or write very well let alone spell. These students were the ones who were continuously kicked out of the room for misbehaving. I spoke at length to the teachers of these students and began my own research project. It turned out that many of these kids had been exhibiting this same behavior right through primary school. (Being labeled constantly as trouble-makers.) I worked quite closely with a group of boys in several classes and found out that they were indeed very bright young men, who were in fact afraid to say anything because they knew that if they did let anyone know then they would be labeled stupid and be taunted for their lack of understanding and knowledge.

I instead began looking for different ways to help kids learn, as I believe that every person learns differently. Some learn visually, some have to touch things, some have to hear it said over and over, etc. It was during this time 18 months ago that I found the Audiblox website and began contacting Corna Wynne in Perth.

I was appointed in a position here in Mildura in March of 2003, running an alternative education centre. So I set about looking for innovative ways that students would be allowed to learn at their own pace and be able to build their sense of self. Very controversial for Mildura but with the backing of the local community and a lot of hard work I managed to get a group of kids from a variety of different backgrounds, but all shared the same goal: ‘To want to be able to read and learn’. All the kids knew they were not dumb even though they had been told that they were for most of their lives.

Early this year, I again contacted Corna and managed to get chances for children here in Mildura to fund an Audiblox home program. I began using Audiblox with these students on an individual basis. The results were amazing as the confidence built. One 12 year old boy had never been able to read in his life. He struggled in schools and had been sent to me because of his behavior problems. No one knew what his academic level was because he refused to do any work, so no testing had been done on him.

All my staff at my centre were so impressed with Audiblox that they all individually put up their own tutor fees and asked me to try and get Corna to come to Mildura and do a training course. It was then I decided to go to the local principals and attempt to show them how Audiblox would benefit so many students if just used for a small part of every school week. Only one school was open to the idea as they had a Parents Dyslexic support group, and thanks to the parents also pushing the principal Audiblox was received in that school. But it only takes one school and if they continue to run with Audiblox other schools will take the program on board.

Corna came in November and ran the training course and now Audiblox is being used at the Lake School every day. The Aboriginal Corporation here in Mildura is also using Audiblox and is having great success. I am also teaching Audiblox to the students at my setting and the change in attitude is amazing. I have all male students this year, and although at first they did not like the discipline and the concentration needed, but now they can’t wait to do their Audiblox.

The 12 year old at my setting is getting wonderful results and can say and spell nearly all of the level 1 cards. His confidence has grown and his mother is very happy that she has a smiling child back.

I will continue to promote Audiblox in Mildura and Sunraysia as I really believe that it is an amazing program that should be in every school across the country. Our literacy levels in this country are appalling and there needs to be a major shake up in the way we are teaching our youth. These kids are our future and our future needs to be preserved.

I have since had a lot of interest from border towns in N.S.W. and schools wanting to know more about Audiblox. One of my staff members who did the training is dyslexic and it has helped him unbelievably. Another of my staff is diabetic and her concentration is ten times better since learning Audiblox. So Audiblox has the capacity to help every one, not just the kids.

Sally Poole

Sally Poole Mildura, Australia

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