Bragging About Mila

testimonialMy daughter Mila Mostert has been attending Edublox full time for 3 months and prior to that she attended in the afternoons twice a week for 2 months. Since Mila started attending the afternoon sessions, I noticed that she would be very positive and happy when I picked her up. This was very different to previous educational experiences as Mila often would feel tired, stressed or anxious when I fetched her.

At Edublox, Mila found an environment that was supportive and nurturing. This made her feel welcome and accepted and allowed her to express herself more. Once it became clear that her Edublox experience was very positive, it was decided to bring her to Edublox for the morning programme as well, which would allow her to focus on maths and languages more intensely.

Mila has been doing this for three months and I can already see a difference. I have always known Mila to be independent, creative and very verbally expressive at home. However, her experience with educational institutions often dampened her creativity and independence. In the traditional setup, Mila was not able to step into her own. In the Edublox environment, Mila is growing more confident every day. For her, relationships are very important and Edublox has a similar approach. With sincerity and kindness, children thrive and develop comfortably. This is what Mila needed and Edublox has provided that. I can say that Mila has developed emotionally and educationally in this time. She has become more independent in her work, she has mastered maths and language skills that she struggled with before.

The short time at Edublox has provided a foundation for her from where she can take on bigger challenges and grow more. I have always had a lot of faith in Mila – she is so bright, creative, original and a true force of nature. With Edublox, she now has a strong foundation from where she can grow and reach new heights. Edublox provides an environment that supports her and challenges her in ways that builds her up and gives her the social, emotional and educational skills to thrive.

Thank you Mila, for all your hard work and thank you to Edublox for the wonderful environment!

Rita Greyling


Rita Greyling Mila's mother

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