Big Improvement in Reading

Feedback.3185717_stdFrom: Tina Truter [mailto:tinat@…. 
Sent: 11 November 2010 01:42 PM
Subject: RE: EDUBLOX

Hi Zainu

I just want to thank Edublox for everything you are doing for my son Liam. He started with Edublox end July. He was not on par with his reading for a Grade 4 student and still confusing b’s and d’s. Spelling was bad and he had no confidence reading; he used to cry when I asked him to read as he struggled so much. It was an endless battle.

Just by chance one day I was on the internet searching for private tutors when I came across your website. I read the testimonials of parents and was impressed with how the kids progressed since attending Edublox. Needless to say I phoned you immediately, made an appointment for him and he was assessed. I was told he could attend classes once a week for a year.

It’s just been over 3 months and I have without a doubt seen a big improvement in Liam’s reading. He no longer stutters at every second word. He is reading much more fluently; I am so proud of this achievement. I can now ask him to read and he won’t even hesitate. He still has about 6 months to go and there are still areas that needs improvement, but as you explained to us, this is not a quick fix solution, but when he leaves Edublox he will have the all the necessary skills required. Liam’s teacher must also have seen an improvement in him as she asked me for your details for another student. Liam is growing stronger academically and emotionally, and it’s all thanks to Edublox.

Thanks to you and your team for all the hard work, time and dedication.

I would without a doubt recommend Edublox to anyone with a child who is struggling at school.

Tina Truter

Tina Truter Liams' mother

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