Best Reader in Class; Mathematics Much Better


Karla’s story, as told by her mother, with supporting evidence in-between: 

Karla was diagnosed with ADHD when she was 4 years old. She was slow in development and reaching milestones. She struggled very much with her mathematics and in August of her Grade 1 year (2015) her teacher thought it best that she repeats Grade 1. She was already in a private remedial school with more individualised attention, but she was still struggling.

Below is Karla’s Grade 1 (2015) report:

 7. Outstanding achievement – 80 – 100% 
 6. Meritorious achievement – 70 – 79% 
 5. Substantial achievement – 60 – 69%
 4. Adequate achievement – 50 – 59% 
 3. Moderate achievement – 40 – 49% 
 2. Elementary achievement – 30 – 39% 
 1. Not achieved - 0–29%


I decided to enrol her at Edublox as I heard that Edublox is very good for ADHD children. I also heard that Edublox classes helps children with maths.

Assessment at Edublox

An assessment at Edublox brought to light that Karla’s cognitive skills (position-in-space, form perception, auditory synthesis and visual memory), as well as her reading and spelling required urgent attention. Assessed on the ESSI reading and spelling test, on a Grade 1, 4th term level, she scored 1/9 (= very poor) for reading and 2/9 (= poor) for spelling. Below is an example of her handwriting:


Karla’s reading has improved a lot. According to her teacher she reads the best in her class this year. She is doing much better with mathematics. Beginning of the year she was on the building blocks of learning maths. By mid-year she was on a Grade 1-level with maths. Her self-confidence has improved a lot. Her concentration is also much better.

At Edublox she started in the Grade 1 class as she was repeating Grade 1 at school, but she of Grade 2 age. By mid-year she was moved to the Grade 2 Edublox class.

Below is Karla’s Grade 1 (2016) report:


Karla’s school also sent a report:


Liesl Breytenbach

Liesl Breytenbach Karla mother

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