Beating Dyslexia and Dyscalculia


Joshleen was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia at the age of nine. She struggled to learn to read, write and understand the concept of numbers from a very early age. Although requested, the professionals would not test her earlier for learning difficulties ― we were informed that she had to complete a few years of schooling to determine if a problem really existed. This made schooling and functioning very difficult for her.

At the age of nine years we were able to find an educational psychologist who was prepared to test her and she was diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia. Joshleen also showed difficulty in following instructions as her memory was poor. Following a basic three-step instruction was a challenge. Tasks at home were never completed. She became resistant to school work and constantly challenged boundaries even when not necessary. Joshleen NEVER completed any school work without someone literally standing next to her throughout the day and could not read the instructions in her learner books. She did not like to write and transcribing from the board was virtually impossible. Joshleen could not read basic books and if she attempted to they were a number of grades below her age and also always with an adult next to her at all times. Joshleen is homeschooled and when we enquired about schooling options for her we were told she would need to attend a special needs school.

Joshleen started Edublox just after turning ten. She first attended the full day two-week intensive course and then moved onto two 90-minute sessions a week. Within six months Joshleen’s attention span, concentration and confidence have improved completely. She has moved up from Grade 1 readers to age appropriate readers. She is happy to work and learn without an adult present and can now read the instructions in her learner books. She has started to write essays and letters and completed her first exam last year. She was only assisted in the reading of the exam questions in order to decrease the pressure and stress and averaged 62.5% in most subjects. She is more confident and her behaviour is more positive and she does not try to avoid her school work. Joshleen’s ability to follow instructions is now age appropriate.

JoshleenAll of Joshleen’s extra-curricular teachers requested a meeting with us a year ago as her problems with crossing the midline, concentrating, following instructions, memorizing the routines and actually looking at the teacher while she was teaching seemed to have accumulated over the years. She was struggling to function correctly in her classes and to complete the tasks required. However, by the end of 2015 Joshleen had successfully passed her grade 2 RAD ballet exam and is now a grade 3 ballet pupil. She graduated from level 2 to level 3 rhythmic gymnastics and passed her exam in karate and has moved up to an orange belt. She received a bronze medal in a district colours rhythmic competition. Her teachers can’t believe the change in her working abilities. Joshleen is on a low dose of medication to help her focus and we can actually see that there is a real possibility that she might not need it in the future. We are terribly proud of all the hard work and the extra effort she has put in this past year.

Bronwyn and Vincent Durand

Bronwyn and Vincent Durand Joshleen's parents

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