Average Improves by 20%, Reading Leaps from 2/7 to 6/7

We enrolled Aneska at Edublox at the beginning of May 2019, specifically for problems she had with reading Afrikaans and English. She completed Grade R in the Southern Cape, where they did not specifically focus on reading and pronunciation during the year.

We returned to Gauteng, and Aneska had to start Grade 1 on the educational level upheld here in Gauteng. She soon experienced problems specifically with reading, and that impacted her performance in all of her subjects. This also affected her self-confidence and the way she interacted in class. She lost focus easily and had problems completing her work in the set time. She was also constantly looking for assistance in completing tasks.

Term 2

Aneska’s average improved by 14%. Her reading improved, as well as all the other marks on her report. She started enjoying going to school and was completing her tasks.

Term 3

Aneska’s average improved by another 6%, and the teacher’s comments at the bottom of her school report says it all:

We are very grateful to Suegnet and Edublox, for contributing to Aneska’s progress this year. Aneska feels she is ready to move forward on her own, and she feels confident to take on Grade 2, without assistance.

Louretta van der Merwe

Aneska’s Term 1 report (her average is 57%; she scored 2/7 for reading):

Aneska’s Term 2 report (her average is 71%; she scored 4/7 for reading):

Aneska’s Term 3 report (her average is 77%; she scored 6/7 for reading):

Louretta van der Merwe Aneska's mother

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