A Proud Reader

Tshiamo Mashao

From: sophie bunnies [mailto:info.cuddlebunnies@…..]
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 12:19 PM
To: marelize@edublox.com
Subject: Tshiamo parents report.

I am so excited to write this report about my daughter Tshiamo Mashao. She joined Edublox on the 1st of March 2013. By the time she joined she could not read or spell correctly, and she was no longer interested in going to school because her peers are in Grade 6 she is in Grade 4. But after the assessment at Edublox she was excited about starting the classes.

As I am writing this I am so happy and impressed by the progress she achieved since she joined the programme. My daughter can read, and she is confident to approach activities. We also visited the primary school she attends to check her progress. Her class teacher responded very positively. She is now able to do her homework on her own, and she grabs newspapers and magazines and reads without being shy.

Me and my husband we are very proud about Edublox and the teachers who are assisting her.

Thank you Edublox for your passion in your work, and the love and care that you are showing our daughter.


Sophie and Cedrick


Sophie Bunnies Mother of Tshiamo Mashao

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