A Lot More Confident

Feedback.3185717_stdUzair was initially enrolled at Edublox because he was showing signs of being slower than the average student in his Grade 3 class. We, his parents, were advised by his class teacher that unless there is an improvement, he will have to remain in his current grade. At this stage he was already attending the learning support program offered by his school, Schkocheskloof Primary. That same year Uzair started Edublox he received an award for most improved student!

Uzair was shy and I was told by his class teacher that even if he knew the answer to a particular question, he would be too shy to put up his hand to answer. He would never read out loud, always afraid that he would be making mistakes. His brother, three years his senior would always do the reading for them when they were playing X-Box games. It took Uzair only two weeks at Edublox to come completely “out of his shell”!!!

Suddenly he was a lot more confident. His class teacher noticed the improvement after three weeks at Edublox. His teacher advised that he was the one pupil putting up his hand all the time, not giving other students a chance. The answers were not always correct but he immediately became more involved with group activities etc. He started reading almost everything in sight ― road signs, road names, you name it, Uzair was attempting to read it!

Uzair now takes books at the library of no less than 200 pages! His sentence building has improved remarkably and so has his spelling. We also noticed that he was using bigger words in his sentences, and when we asked if he understands a word’s meaning, he would volunteer its meaning!!!!

Uzair has improved in leaps and bounds but we feel that there is still a need for further improvement. He struggles with Afrikaans as a second language. He also enjoys the classes at Edublox so much and as his parents we feel that he must continue as long as he can.

Fatima Taylor

Uzair’s Grade 3, Term 1 report:

Uzair Grade 3Uzair’s Grade 5 report:


Fatima Taylor Uzair's mother

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