From: Karin Fitzpatrick [mailto:karin@fitzper…….]
Sent: 13 March 2014 08:37 AM
To: Alison Boubier;
Subject: Bridget Fitzpatrick
I would just like to thank everyone at Edublox especially Joanne for the huge improvement I have noticed in Bridget’s reading.
At the end of October 2013 I had an educational assessment done at the recommendation of her previous school. Bridget was in grade 7 and I was told she should have an assessment done for high school. I was horrified with the results. She was only reading on a grade one level and practically illiterate. I knew her reading was really bad but never realised just how bad.
Bridget had attend a remedial school since grade one and when I confronted the school about her reading they informed me there was nothing that could be done to improve her reading.
In a panic I phoned around everyone I could think of for help. I got hold of Noel Grey who is a dyslexic therapist. Noel told me she had heard of Edublox but had never tried them. She then phoned and spoke to Henk and Allison. I was advised that Bridget should attend a two week holiday programme which she did (much to her disgust).
In January we started attending classes twice a week. We practised the exercises and sight words. I was told not to read anything with her just yet, only sight words. About two weeks ago Bridget told me Joanne had said she needed to start reading a book and not an easy one. My first thought was how can Joanne do this to me ― it will be such a battle and fight. Bridget chose The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.
Well I was pleasantly surprised. Her reading has improved so much. She still has some reversals, but can decode and blend. She now reads out billboards without me asking.
The confidence she now displays is remarkable. I have no doubt that she will be able to read independently very shortly. So once again a very big thank you to everyone who has assisted, you have actually changed her life.
Yours faithfully
Karin Fitzpatrick