Memory Improved Drastically; Mathematical Ability Forged Ahead

Feedback.3185717_stdThe Audiblox program has really helped Brandon. Now we can sit back and appreciate the tremendous progress and improvement he has made over the last sixteen months. His memory has improved drastically and his mathematical ability really forged ahead to the stage where he is compatible with Grade 3 standards set. His mathematical reasoning has also improved faster than we could ever have hoped for. He now fully understands the mathematical thought process and reasoning.

His memory and concentration is also far better and this is assisting his overall schoolwork. Besides his schoolwork, the improved memory is also helping with his daily life and play. He now remembers where he puts his things and his long-term recall is consistently good.

We as his parents feel that through Audiblox, he will slip into the conventional academic stream, sometime in the future, and obtain Grade 12 with pride.

The overall educational system was frustrating to us, as the teachers mostly focus on the brightest students in the class and those that struggle are ignored, or referred to special classes or schools. Audiblox taught us early on in the process that all children are teachable and individual attention is focused on each child. Brandon’s Audiblox program is tailor-made for him and he receives regular feedback, praise and alterations to his schedule, so that he can consistently improve. Without Audiblox in his life, Brandon would be floundering somewhere in a special school, instead of being fully on his way to one day take his meaningful place in society.

We are really pleased that we have made Audiblox part of Brandon’s life.

Mrs Whitter

Mrs Whitter Brandon's mother

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