Zaynice, my precious girl, was growing up (not with my husband and I) in very difficult socio-economic circumstances. To a great extent she had no proper stimulation, and received limited academic and psychological support. She grew up where the socio-economic environment and living conditions didn’t encourage learning and empowerment. She also experienced bullying at school and at home. When my beautiful girl came to us I knew there was delay on all levels. Being a former teacher myself I knew I had to “check it out”. With my investigation I found out that she failed Grade 1 (2012 -2013). The teacher at the time (Grade 3-2015) told me this child was very weak academically. Her reading, writing, comprehension lacked for a child in her grade and for her age. The teacher described her as shy and withdrawn, with a low self-esteem and struggling to express herself in class. She did not engage in anything that would expose her shortcomings. To be honest, she was just so aware of her struggles that she preferred to disengage and keep quiet.
I knew she had potential lurking. I just didn’t have the tools to bring it to the fore. Her teacher also said that she didn’t think Zaynice would bring it far academically. It is then when we decided to do an IQ test assessment at an educational psychologist, who determined that she had a 2-year academic delay and respectively delays in reading, writing, comprehension and mathematics. An assessment was also done by the pediactrician to assess if there were any neurological and physical challenges. It was at this juncture that it became clear that Zaynice required serious help and support. We were told that there are many avenues to get help, but none of them made me feel that they could do what I was looking for … until one beautiful day while desperately searching the internet, God led me to the Edublox page and led me to the Edublox angels … and after putting the phone down, speaking to the most compassionate lady, called Louna Spies, I cried because of joy as I knew there was hope for Zaynice.
She has been with Edublox for almost a year and a half, and I have seen the following developments and changes:
The testimonial continues after the video, made by Zaynice’s mother:
- Reading: She could not recognise bigger words. She would sound them out and would make repeated attempts to get them right or just abandon the attempt. She would sound them out, not in her head, but with much focus as if she were still in Grade 1 (remember, they did say a 2-year delay).
- There was no flow in her reading, as she could not recognise words that followed each other. She staggered through reading exercises and it would take quite some time to complete three of four lines of written work — this was heartbreaking to witness because I noticed her feeling embarrassed and sad.
- I borrowed Grade 1 books (Afrikaans and English) from the library and that was also a challenge to complete.
- Comprehension: She would not remember what the story was about because she tried so hard to just get through recognising the words that comprehending the written piece couldn’t take place at the same time.
- Spelling was also not in place for her age. She would spell as she pronounced the words: kind = kint (sic); geloop= geloep (sic); hardloop = haloop (sic).
- She would not write birthday cards, letters, or notes but only draw pictures of her family and friends (that is how she tried to express her emotions and thoughts).
- She therefore failed three school terms at her previous school. The class teacher felt that she had to stay behind once again in Grade 3. I said “no”, give her a chance; I will explain to the Education Department why she must go to Grade 4. I will take it on me… I knew there was so much potential in her if only we could get her to the right people… So the changes started.
Improvements since being at Edublox — 2015 to now:
- Reading: She can now recognise bigger words when reading. She doesn’t sound them out but identifies them in her mind. She says them and takes her time and continues… still checking with me with a “mommy is that right”? And I will praise her and she will have this massive grin. She has gone from a 2 in Afrikaans to a 5 (pretty amazing my girl!).
- There is flow in her reading and her time to complete a given piece has improved considerably. Check this out! Zaynice is reading subtitles on TV! In Afrikaans and English “nogal”. And you know how quick the screens change, I sometimes have a hard time keeping up when watching Sewende Laan.
- I borrowed Grade 1 books (Afrikaans and English) from the library and they were a challenge to complete. Nowadays little madam is asking me “Mommy I need to get books from the library,” and when I ask why, she says because she has finished reading her other books! We are still on Grade 2 books but are slowly moving towards Grade 3 books …yeah… But she now reads billboards, labels, tags, my WhatApp’s (sometimes even the personal ones, slowdown there my girl, lol).
- Comprehension: Nowadays she remembers what the story is about and looking through her Afrikaans and English books (comprehension exercises they do in class), I can see that she answers the questions as needed.
- Spelling was also not on par. Not so anymore: Zaynice gets anything from 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 out of 20 for her spelling quiz in classes and she beams with pride. Me and daddy regularly receives notes on how much she loves and appreciate us in Afrikaans and English…wow!
- From a child who is shy, with a low self-confidence and had a speech delay, she has been doing oral in class in front of all the children and as a bonus she asks if she can go first to do her prepared oral piece. The teacher even said she is an example to all the others in class. (You go my princess, you can do it, just try!)
- She previously failed three school terms. Not anymore, every term has shown improvement.
- The positive self-esteem spin-offs:
- Happiness
- Joy
- Self-belief
- Playful child
- I-can-do-it attitude, telling her friends nowadays they must just try
- Confidence
- Dreaming and future goals-setting: wishing to become a veterinarian and buying herself a big house near the sea.
Big thanks to Louna Spies and her team at Edublox Paarl you made a huge difference in my child’s life. The love, gentleness and praise you demonstrate speak of tremendous dedication to your work and each child. Zaynice can lift her head now and face the world. She likes going to school. Whole brain development is key and it will make her soar through her academic journey until the end of high school, even university!
When I think about Edublox Paarl and the work they do this saying comes to mind: “when you teach a child you uplift a nation”. Thank you Edublox for creating a future world changer.
God bless
Janine van Sitters-Mintoor
Zaynice ‘s report, quarter 1 2015, before Edublox:
SCALE: 7. Outstanding achievement – 80 – 100% 6. Meritorious achievement – 70 – 79% 5. Substantial achievement – 60 – 69% 4. Adequate achievement – 50 – 59% 3. Moderate achievement – 40 – 49% 2. Elementary achievement – 30 – 39% 1. Not achieved - 0–29%