Dyseidetic versus Dysphonetic Dyslexia
The prominent characteristic of dyseidetic dyslexia, also called visual dyslexia, is the inability to revisualise the gestalt of the word. Dysphonetic dyslexia, on the other hand, is associated with auditory-processing difficulties.
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The terms phonological dyslexia and surface dyslexia are generally used to describe two main types of dyslexia. Phonological dyslexia includes trouble breaking words down into syllables and into smaller sound units called phonemes, while kids with surface dyslexia struggle with reading because they can’t recognise words by sight.
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Children whose reading difficulties relate to visual-processing weaknesses have been called visual dyslexics, visuo-spatial dyslexics, or dyseidetic dyslexics. These children’s primary deficit is in the ability to recognise and remember how letter and whole-word configurations look. They seem to attend only to partial cues in words, overlooking a systematic analysis of English orthography...
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