Poor Reading



5 Indicators Your Child May Need Extra Reading Help

Sometimes it is challenging to spot whether or not your child is struggling, and you might not be able to recognise the key indicators which could indicate your child needs some extra assistance. But don't worry! We have compiled a list of 5 things each parent can look out for to ensure their child does not get left behind.

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6 Tips to Help Your Child Read with Comprehension

As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping your child develop strong reading comprehension skills. We share six practical tips to help your child read with comprehension.

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Understanding Reading Problems in Children

How does one identify a reading problem? How many children have reading problems? What causes reading problems? You say poor cognitive skills are responsible for reading problems. What cognitive skills are you referring to? My child reads well yet lacks comprehension. Why? What can parents do to help their children? How can Edublox help?

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Teaching Reading Right

Imagine not being able to read. Your academic career would not go further than high school, seriously hampering your chances of ever working your way up in the world. You could never apply for a job without assistance, being incapable of filling out an application form. You couldn’t correspond with friends, read for pleasure or treat your children to bedtime stories...

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Home Test to Identify Reading Problems

Imagine not being able to read. Your academic career would not venture further than high school, seriously hampering your chances of ever working your way up in the world. You could never apply for a job without assistance, being incapable of filling in an application form...

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Overcoming a Language and Reading Problem

Language plays a vital role in reading. Its role in reading can be compared to the role of running in the game of soccer. One cannot play soccer if one cannot run. One cannot read a book in a language unless one knows that particular language.

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The A2Z of Reading Difficulties

If your child is having trouble learning to read, the best approach is to take immediate action. Ninety-five percent of poor readers can be brought up to grade level if they receive effective help early. The longer you wait to get help for a child with reading difficulties, the harder it will be for that child to catch up.

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School Need Not Be a Nightmare

Dumb, stupid. Definitely two of the most repugnant words in the English language; words that ought to be regarded as swear words! Still, that is how children label themselves when they experience school as a nightmare.

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Rev Up for Reading

How does your child fare with reading? It’s one of the first skills taught at school and has far-reaching consequences throughout your child’s life.

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Why Some Children Struggle to Learn to Read

Most children look forward to learning to read, a process whereby they learn to transform what are essentially abstract squiggles on a page into meaningful letters and then sounds and then words, and then entire sentences and paragraphs.

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