Understanding Reading Problems in Children
How does one identify a reading problem? How many children have reading problems? What causes reading problems? You say poor cognitive skills are responsible for reading problems. What cognitive skills are you referring to? My child reads well yet lacks comprehension. Why? What can parents do to help their children? How can Edublox help?
Read MoreIdentifying Legitimate Reading and Learning Help – Four Quick Tips
Edublox specialised reading, maths and learning services share four important tips on finding reading and learning support for a child to help parents get ahead of the 2022 school year.
Read MoreTeaching Reading Right
Imagine not being able to read. Your academic career would not go further than high school, seriously hampering your chances of ever working your way up in the world. You could never apply for a job without assistance, being incapable of filling out an application form. You couldn’t correspond with friends, read for pleasure or treat your children to bedtime stories...
Read MoreVideo: Overcoming a Reading and Learning Disability
While there is no ‘quick-fix’ for learning failure and learning difficulties, our intensive 1-on-1 course has proved to accelerate results and will help your child take a giant leap forward! The duration of the course is 10 days, and is offered from Monday – Friday, daily from 08h00 – 13h30.
Read MoreOvercoming a Language and Reading Problem
Language plays a vital role in reading. Its role in reading can be compared to the role of running in the game of soccer. One cannot play soccer if one cannot run. One cannot read a book in a language unless one knows that particular language.
Read MoreDear Diary… A Mother’s Story of Despair, Hope, Perseverance and Success
Based on real events — this is the mother’s side of story of helping her child with his reading problem as she confided to her diary...
Read MoreResearch Study: Edublox Improves Processing Speed of ADHD and Dyslexic Students
Educational specialist Dr Lee DeLorge in Ohio tested the effect of an Edublox program on processing speed. Sixty-seven students aged 5 to 18 with ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia and non-specific learning disabilities participated in her study. Ninety-four percent of the learners improved significantly. Results were as follows...
Read MoreBuilding on Reading
When two Cape Town mothers, Kashiefa Gallie and Rebecca Felix, learned that their children had reading difficulties, they went into panic mode. Although they came from different parts of the city, Lansdowne and Crawford respectively, they knew that reading was a critical skill for children to master at the foundation phase.
Read MoreRead, Learn and Achieve
Is your child struggling academically? Does he battle with reading or is his concentration poor? Edublox reading and learning clinic has a dynamic solution that tackles and corrects the cause of learning problems, not just the symptoms.
Read MoreDisabled (10) Learns to Read and Write in 60 Days
“Mom, why can't I read?” Sonja Conradie (10) wanted to know after hearing her younger sister, Marna (9), read and seeing her write. Sonja, who suffered brain damage after contracting meningitis and encephalitis as a baby...
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