Dyslexia Treatment



How to Get Your Letters In Line: Researcher Devises Programme for Dyslexics

A learning method, that has been developed by a South African educationist over the past thirty years, is nowadays helping children all over the world to escape from the debilitating grip of dyslexia.

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There Are Ways to Beat Dyslexia

Reading and learning work hand in hard and are the two things that determine a child’s school career. Poor reading skills result in poor learning skills. This has become a reality for an alarming number of children.

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Dyslexia: Beating the Back-to-Front Battle

Reversing words, writing letters back to front, not being able to remember the sequence of letters in a word or sometimes reading from right to left — dyslexia is a frustrating and often embarrassing problem in our world of high-tech communications. But in the midst of differing theories of what it is, what causes it and how to overcome it, one man has a different opinion.

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Dyslexia: New Treatment, New Hope

Why many intelligent children should suffer seeming 'word blindness' has baffled and frustrated parents and professionals in many fields throughout this century. Is there, at last, some light at the end of the tunnel? HILARY BASSETT investigates.

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Coming to Grips with Problems of Dyslexia

The problems of dyslexic people are little known and even less understood ― even by sufferers themselves. According to some educationalists, there is no such thing as dyslexia, but for many children and adults who despair of ever being able to read or write, the issue is very real indeed.

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