Edublox Now a Corporate Member of IACE

Edublox is proud to be a Corporate Member of IACE – the Institute for the Advancement of Cognitive Education.

IACE is a non-profit organisation that provides easy access to useful and theoretically sound information with regards to cognitive education. Their vision is to give members, and those they care for, a future filled with hope through better thinking and learning. “Although cognitive skills are gaining prominence and are becoming the new global currency of the labour market, the current education and training system is mostly inadequate to equip individuals for the future world of work,” says Dr WP Wahl, Chairperson of IACE’s board of directors. “New and innovative ways are needed to develop the skills that are required for the current and future workforce to thrive within a global economy.”

IACE aims to enable its members to develop the thinking and learning skills of those in their care. This is similar to Edublox’s vision of developing successful kids and proud families through educational interventions comprising of cognitive training, reading, spelling, comprehension, and maths.

For more information about IACE, see their website at

Edublox is a full member of  AMESA – the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa.

For more information about AMESA, see their website at

November 30, 2020

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