Is your child struggling with reading, maths and learning?

Edublox makes learners smarter and helps them to learn better, easier, and faster.

We now offer interactive online home-based assessments and online reading, learning and language services!

Edublox specialises in educational interventions comprising of cognitive training, reading, spelling, comprehension and maths.

Edublox can help children who are experiencing problems like inattention or loss of focus, reversals of letters, spelling difficulties, difficulties with homework, or falling behind in class.

Our programs address concentration, perceptual skills, memory, logical thinking, reading, spelling, vocabulary, language and comprehension.

For our clients’ convenience, we now offer online, tutor-based classes in addition to more than 40+ outlets across Southern Africa where students can attend physical classes pending the lockdown level in the area.

Our cognitive training programs can help struggling learners, but can also help average learners to become top achievers.

Our annual client survey indicated that 96% of our clients are willing to recommend the Edublox programs.

We have more than 760 testimonials from happy parents – one of the largest libraries of its kind in the world.

Edublox provides the academic foundation for children to achieve their personal and career dreams, which will have a positive influence on families for generations to come.


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