Building on Reading
When two Cape Town mothers, Kashiefa Gallie and Rebecca Felix, learned that their children had reading difficulties, they went into panic mode. Although they came from different parts of the city, Lansdowne and Crawford respectively, they knew that reading was a critical skill for children to master at the foundation phase.
Read MoreAs Jou Kind Sukkel…
As jou kind nie presteer soos sy moet nie, beteken dit nie sy is dom nie ― sy vind dit dalk net moeilik om te lees. Kinders wat sukkel om te lees of skryf word dikwels geterg dat hulle dom is, wat hulle selfbeeld van kleins af ‘n knou gee...
Read MoreLearning Disability Specialists Reach Out to Hout Bay Children
The ability to learn is a crucial life skill that many people take for granted as it is such a natural part of daily life. Unfortunately more than 20% of South Africans are faced with learning disabilities.
Read MoreLearning Clinic Visits Local School for Mandela Day
DE DEUR - Vaal Triangle Edublox Reading and Learning Clinic visited De Deur Primary School in Meyerton on July 18. The initiative was inspired by the 67 minutes for Nelson Mandela Campaign.
Read MoreTV Interview, WKYC: Cognitive Skills
Educational specialist Dr Lee DeLorge explains what cognitive skills are and how the Edublox method strengthens a child's cognitive skills. The programme was broadcast in February 2011 on WKYC, a television station located in Cleveland, Ohio.
Read MoreAudiblox — Review in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
If you have a child or work with a child with a learning disability, then you know the challenges they face every day. Learning does not always come naturally to them, and they can fall behind in school... This review of an Edublox home programme appeared in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine in the USA in February 2012.
Read MoreDie Boublokke van Lees
Voor ‘n kind kan loop, moet hy eers kruip. En vóór ‘n kind leer lees, moet die fondamente vir lees eers stewig vasgelê word, anders kan hy dalk heeltemal verkeerd leer lees en die res van sy lewe ‘n agterstand hê.
Read MoreLeesprobleme Hier Opgelos
Al hoe meer kinders sukkel om te lees. Saam met die leesprobleem ontstaan leesprobleme wat swak punte tot gevolg het. Die Edublox Lees- en Leerkliniek wat pas sy deure in Nilegate in Drie Riviere oopgemaak het, bied antwoord op al hierdie probleme.
Read MoreHelp! My Kind Het ‘n Leerprobleem
Ongeag die afwesigheid van fisieke, sensoriese of ander ooglopende gestremdhede, presteer sommige kinders nie na verwagting nie. DEUR MILLICENT MERTON
Read MorePraat Jou Kind Slim
Dit maak nie saak of jou kind se eerste woordjie 'mamma' of 'pappa' of dalk 'baba' of 'doe-doe' is nie. Dié woord(e) is sy eerste treetjies na latere sukses ― op alle terreine.
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