All posts by Sue du Plessis



Is Dyslexia a Brain Dysfunction? Here’s an Alternative Interpretation of the Facts

Research indicates that the dyslexic's brain differs from that of a typical reader. Does this mean that dyslexia is caused by a neurological dysfunction or is there an alternative interpretation that explains these differences?

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Sukkel Jou Kind met Aandag en Konsentrasie? Daar Is Hulp!

Konsentrasie, ook genoem aandag, is belangrik vir leer. Gebrekkige aandag kan ’n beduidende faktor wees van gedrags- en leerprobleme soos byvoorbeeld hiperaktiwiteit en aandaggebreksindroom (ADD). Daar is ten minste vier baie belangrike aspekte wat in gedagte gehou moet word wanneer dit kom by konsentrasie:

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Leesbegrip Is die Doel van Lees

Leesbegrip is die doel van lees. Die rede waarom ons lees is immers om sin te maak uit dit wat op die bladsy geskryf staan. Wanneer ’n kind vlot lees, aanvaar ons dat sy verstaan wat sy gelees het, maar 3 tot 10% van vlot lesers begryp nie wat hulle gelees het nie. Hoewel daar ander redes mag wees, is die algemene oorsake van ’n gebrek aan leesbegrip die volgende...

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Om Op Skool Te Presteer

Net voordat die skoolvakansie regtig begin, is daar ’n oomblik van waarheid wanneer ouers hul kind se jaareinde-skoolrapport ontvang. Dit is vir alle ouers van die uiterste belang is om te weet waarna om te kyk wanneer jy jou kind se skoolrapport lees, ongeag die finale punt wat ’n kind ontvang.

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Edublox Reading, Maths and Learning Clinic in Polokwane

Lizani Muller taught Grade 1's and 3's for 5 years before becoming self-employed and presenting Audiblox classes for 3 years. She was overjoyed when she found a product that works and a way of helping children and parents overcome the stigma of learning disabilities.

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Edublox Reading, Maths and Learning Clinic in Phalaborwa

The Edublox franchise in Phalaborwa is run jointly by Gené and her mother Karen, a school teacher with more than 20 years’ experience. Gené was looking for a business opportunity after concluding her studies in counselling and psychology at the Potchefstroom University...

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Edublox Lees-, Wiskunde en Leerkliniek in Vereeniging

Die Edublox-kliniek in Vereeniging staan onder beheer van Marietha Mare, 'n kranige sportvrou en bibliotekaresse wat besorgd geraak het omdat kinders algaande minder lees. Met verdere ondersoek het sy ontdek dat die kinders nie lèès nie omdat hulle nie kàn nie. Lees is moeilik, aldus lees hulle nie. Marietha het besluit om iets aan die saak te doen.

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Meet Zainu Allie, Educational Practitioner of Edublox Rylands

Zainu Allie is the Edublox franchisee in Plumstead and Rylands, Cape Town. This mother of two trained as a teacher and taught children for fifteen years. During this time she got her qualification in basic counselling skills from the SA College of Psychology.

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A Sign of Dyslexia: Late Talking or Immature Speech

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects your ability to speak, read, spell and write. Research has revealed a dramatic link between the abnormal development of spoken language and learning disabilities such as dyslexia.

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Logical Thinking Exercise (Answers Included)

The relationship between logical thinking and reading is well established in the literature. It has been said that “there is no reading without reasoning,” and even that reading is reasoning. Besides being important for reading comprehension, it has been proven that specific training in logical thinking processes can make people “smarter.”

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