All posts by admin



What Is Automaticity? Why Is It Important for Reading and Learning?

Acquisition of a new skill is generally associated with a decrease in the need for effortful control over performance, leading to the development of automaticity. Automaticity by definition has been achieved when performance of a primary task is minimally affected by other ongoing tasks.

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Dyslexia Symptoms and Signs

The signs and symptoms of dyslexia differ from person to person. However, some of the most common signs of dyslexia are outlined here.

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Praat Jou Baba Slim

Dit ly min twyfel dat taalontwikkeling een van die sleutel-mylpale in vroeë kinderontwikkeling is. Baie van ‘n kind se toekomstige sosiale en intellektuele ontwikkeling hang van hierdie mylpaal af. ‘n Taalagterstand kan lei tot isolasie en dat die kind hom onttrek. Nog gevolge kan leerprobleme en swak akademiese prestasie wees.

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When Reading Fluency Is Good But Reading Comprehension Is Poor

Reading comprehension is the heart and goal of reading since the purpose of all reading is to gather meaning from the printed page. It is assumed that the comprehension of children who are good readers is on track. But three to ten percent of those children don’t understand most of what they’re reading.

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Cognitive Skills Determine Learning Ability

Research has shown that cognitive skills are a determining factor of an individual's learning ability. Cognitive skills are mental skills used in the process of acquiring knowledge; according to, they are the skills that "separate the good learners from the so-so learners."

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Leergereed Is Skoolgereed

Graad 1 kruip stadig nader. Gaan jou kind gereed wees? Wat beteken dit in elk geval om skoolreed te wees? Skoolgereedheid is die maatstaf waarvolgens ons bepaal in watter mate ‘n kind verstandelik, motories, sosiaal en emosioneel daarop voorbereid is om ‘n sukses van sy skoolloopbaan te maak. ‘n Kind kan as skoolgereed beskou word wanneer...

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Logiese Denke Belangrik vir Leesbegrip

Logiese denke is belangrik want dit gee die leser die vermoë om afleidings te maak, wat vereis dat ons dit wat ons weet gebruik om te probeer bepaal wat ons nie weet nie, of om ‘tussen-die-lyne’ te lees.

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Vakkeuses vir ʼn Beroep

My gr. 9-seun het geen idee wat hy wil doen ná skool nie. Die beroepsvoorligter sê hy ken homself nie goed genoeg om te weet waarin hy belangstel nie. Sy vakkeuses moet dus so wyd moontlik wees sodat wanneer hy wel ’n beroepskeuse maak, hy die nodige vakke het. Hy is baie goed in al sy vakke. Wat sou ’n goeie vakkeuse vir hom wees?

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The 5 R’s of Note-taking

Information presented in class often contains the central concepts of the course and the material most likely to be included on exams. Taking notes of the information presented is an important process. It allows you to have a written record of the lecture which may not be in your textbook....

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The Fantastic Plastic Brain

It’s one of the most extraordinary discoveries of the 20th century. Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the finding that the brain can change, that new brain cells are constantly being born and dying, that new connections form, and that the internal structure of the existing synapses can change.

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