Hulp vir ADHD en Leesprobleme
Navorsing by die Sweedse mediese universiteit Karolinska Institutet het bewys dat oefening van werkende geheue ('working memory') sigbare veranderinge teweegbring in die aantal dopamien reseptors in die menslike brein. Werkende geheue is kritiek vir onder andere...
Read MoreReading and Learning Help: Considering Alternative Options to Educational Psychology
The SA Educational Psychology industry is in crisis – but there are alternative options for reading and learning help.
Read MoreUnderstanding Auditory Processing Deficits
Auditory processing is the ability to identify, interpret, and attach meaning to sound. Berry and Eisenson state that children with auditory processing deficits can hear sounds but are unable to recognise them for meaning. Auditory processing plays as important a role as visual processing in reading.
Read MoreArt Inspires Pupils
PUPILS enjoyed a workshop at Upper Highway's Easy Programme with local artist Nicky Chovuchovu at the Edublox clinic in Kloof last week. The children had fun creating wonderful expressionist paintings to take home. Educational Practitioner Marj Arslanian said:...
Read MoreMy Kind Doen Swak op Skool
Ouers met ‘n kind wat op skool sukkel, kan met gevoelens van angs, onsekerheid, frustrasie en skuldgevoelens worstel en wonder dikwels wat hulle verkeerd gedoen het. Die impak op die kind is selfs groter en natuurlik is daar ook finansiële implikasies. Wat maak 'n ouer as jou kind swak presteer op skool?
Read MoreRuimtelike Oriëntasie: Wat Dit Is en Hoe Om Probleme te Oorkom
Ruimtelike oriëntasie verwys na die vermoë om die verhouding van ‘n voorwerp tot die waarnemer waar te neem. As ‘n kind ruimtelike oriëntasieprobleme het, sal hy heel waarskynlik die volgende simptome openbaar...
Read MoreSó Identifiseer Jy ‘n Leesprobleem (Gratis Vraelys)
Daar’s ‘n gesegde wat lui, “Geluk is nie die afwesigheid van probleme nie, dis die vermoë om hulle te hanteer.” Party probleme word die beste hanteer deur hulle net te ignoreer. Dan is daar probleme wat nie net gelos kan word nie, wat mettertyd net groter en groter word. Een so ‘n probleem is ‘n leesprobleem...
Read MoreEdublox Leessentrums: Die Antwoord vir Leesprobleme
Lees is die belangrikste vaardigheid wat ‘n kind op skool moet verwerf, want hy leer om te lees met ‘n bepaalde doel voor oë: sodat hy kan lees om te leer. Om behoorlik te kan lees is dus die grondslag van, of voorvereiste vir leersukses op skool, en uiteindelik ook ‘n belangrike bepaler van ‘n mens se beroepsukses in die toekoms...
Read MorePoor Working Memory Impedes Academic Success, Preventing Children from Achieving Their Potential
According to researchers from Durham University, children who underachieve at school may just have poor working memory rather than low intelligence. On the positive side learners with a strong working memory are likely to do well maintaining focus and attention in a variety of academic settings, and improving working memory can boost...
Read More10 Logical Thinking Quizzes and Answers
Here are ten logical thinking quizzes with answers to guarantee some quality familiy fun! Teaching your kids to think logically is important as it encouages them to think for themselves, to question hypotheses, to develop alternative hypotheses, and to test those hypotheses against known facts.
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