
By Edublox



Dyslexia Awareness Month: Busting the Old Myths about Dyslexia

International Dyslexia Awareness Month is observed annually during October and aims to unite like-minded organisations in sharing knowledge and resources about dyslexia with parents, teachers and the general public. In support of this initiative, Edublox examines how early research has contributed to many misconceptions about dyslexia, and also busts a few common myths about this learning problem.

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Ouers Moet Op Hoogte Bly Oor Disleksie

Oktober is internasionale Disleksiebewusmakingsmaand en dan poog eensgesinde organisasies om saam te snoer deur kennis en hulpbronne oor disleksie met ouers, onderwysers, en die algemene publiek te deel...

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Is Your Child Dyslexic?

If your child is battling to arrange letters or put thoughts into words, especially when they are doing homework, they could have dyslexia. Dyslexia affects 20% of the global population, regardless of language, culture, gender or age...

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Elih’s Story on Just Plain Drive with Darren Scott (Follow-up Added)

Get the tissues ready before listening to this podcast of Just Plain Drive, Wingz of Change with Darren Scott, Elih's mom and Elih. Elih fell in a pool at the age of 20 months. Listen to the story of his road to recovery, in which Edublox is playing a major part.

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Learner Scores 5/5 for Reading Skills When He Cannot Read

How does a learner score 5/5 (80%-100%) for reading skills at the end of Grade 2 if he cannot read? We don't know, but it happens, and more often than you think. Watch a learner's remarkable progress in just 9 days since joining Edublox for a new 2-month intensive programme that combines reading lessons and our new online program, Edublox Online Tutor.

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As Eksamens Nag Is

Jou kind sukkel om op huiswerk en studies te fokus. Kan jy help dat hy of sy beter konsentreer? Maryke Stain, ‘n opvoedkundige praktisyn van Edublox in Durbanville, sê daar is verskillende tipe konsentrasie waarmee kinders probleme ervaar.

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The Importance of Spelling and Handwriting in a Digital Age

It's a fair question for parents to consider: Why should my child learn to master the skills of spelling and handwriting in a world governed by spell checkers and keyboards? Isn't the mere notion of teaching these skills as archaic as attempting to master trigonometry without the use of a scientific calculator?

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SA Laaste in die Wêreld met Wiskunde, Wetenskap en Lees

Ons het nie statistieke van voor 1995 nie, maar sedert 1995 is SA laaste in die wêreld met wiskunde, wetenskap en lees. Daar is twee internasionale geletterdheidstudies wat elke paar jaar gedoen word, en waaraan Suid-Afrika deelneem. Die eerste een is TIMSS, wat elke vier jaar gr. 4- en gr. 8-leerders se syfergeletterdheid, sowel as hulle wetenskaplike vermoëns en kennis evalueer. Die tweede is die PIRLS, wat elke vyf jaar die leesprestasie van gr. 4-leerders meet...

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Leer Afrikaans: Verkleinwoorde – Die Wanneer en Hoe

In die meeste tale word 'n verkleiningsvorm gevorm deur 'n agtervoegsel en/of 'n ekstra verbuiging van die oorspronklike woord. In Afrikaans word die agtervoegsels -tjie, -jie, -pie, -kie en -ie saam met 'n paar verboë vorms gebruik.

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Leer Afrikaans: Trappe van Vergelyking

Die stellende trap is die gewone vorm van die byvoeglike naamwoord of bywoord, byvoorbeeld mooi en gewoon. Die vergrotende trap (ook vergelykende trap of die komparatief genoem) word gevorm deur -er agteraan die woord te voeg, of met die word meer, byvoorbeeld, mooier en meer ongewoon.

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